Contact Us
Student Employment Services
4th Floor, Campus Center
- Email Student Employment Services for all your student employment questions, including job search assistance, required paperwork, and on-the-job concerns. Student Employment Services is located on the Fourth Floor of the Campus Center. The office is open from 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Thursday; Friday from 10:00am - 4:00pm.
One Stop Student Administrative Center
Upper Level, Campus Center
- Contact the One Stop Center for answers to Bursar, Financial Aid and Registrar questions.
Financial Aid Services
4th Floor, Campus Center
- Contact Financial Aid Services for any questions about your financial aid.
Student Payroll (Human Resources)
3rd Floor, Quinn Administration Building
- Contact the Student Payroll unit of Human Resources for any questions about your paycheck amount, paycheck deductions, the required alternate retirement plan, or direct deposit.
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